New Publication in Cell Metabolism

We are happy to announce that the paper “N-acyl Taurines and Acylcarnitines Cause an Imbalance in Insulin Synthesis and Secretion Provoking β Cell Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes” has recently been published in Cell Metabolism. The study elucidates the complex molecular interaction networks in pancreatic tissue. It is the first comprehensive analyses of in-situ omics data from Langerhans islets examined directly in the tissue using MALDI imaging.  


Daniela worked on this project during her six-month stay at the Helmholz Zentrum Neuherberg in Germany. During that time, she implemented an analysis pipeline for high-resolution FT-ICR mass spectrometry imaging data. Using this pipeline, which combined statistical and algorithmic concepts, allowed for new insights into pathological changes of type 2 diabetes beta cells.