PySpot |
Spotty IMEX IMDA IMPI MS Amanda NanoDetect PhoStar PySpot |
Spotty is a software tool that enables and simplifies the analysis of μpatterning and gfp image data ImmunExplorer (IMEX) uses preprocessed next-generation high-throughput and deep sequencing (NGS) data from human immunoglobulins or antibodies (IG) and T cell receptors (TCR) derived from the international ImMunoGeneTics (IMGT®) information system® . The ImmunoDataAnalyser (IMDA) pipeline provides various methods for analysing immunologic next-generation sequencing (NGS) data (immunoglobulins and T cell receptors repertoires). It is especially built for first interpretations of crucial measures (e.g., clonality and diversity), and for quality control. IMPI is a stand-alone software and implements algorithms which allow for UMI tagged NGS data processing and the analysis of minor allele frequencies. MS Amanda is a scoring system to identify peptides out of tandem mass spectrometry data using a database of known proteins NanoDetect enables the analysis of single molecules, including cell detection, pattern recognition, etc. PhoStar splits input files of MS/MS fragment ion peptide spectra into two parts: the spectra that are likely to have originated from phosphorylated peptides and those who are not