'ImmunExplorer Online' at ISMB

This week a group of bachelor students, supervised by Susanne, went to Prague to attend the ISMB/ECCB (Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology & European Conference on Computational Biology). Susanne and her students presented ImmunExplorer Online, a web service that enables users to upload their NGS or preprocessed IMGT/HighV-QUEST data, to perform clonality analysis, diversity calculations, and additionally provide important statistics based on the functional and non-functional sequences. 

ImmunExplorer Online is based on the ImmunExplorer (IMEX) framework which enables the analysis of raw next-generation sequencing data and preprocessed IMGT/HighV-QUEST data. The web implementation was developed by the student group as project work throughout their 4th and 5th semesters in the Medical and Bioinformatics programme.