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David Brunner MSc.

Elisabeth Mayrhuber MSc.

Prof.(FH) PD DI Dr. Stephan Winkler

Prof.(FH) DI(FH) Dr. Viktoria Dorfer MSc.


2023 - present

Research Areas

Computer Vision


University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Technical University Vienna

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus, RG Bioinformatics

Five PhD students are tackling the challenge of improving animal well-being and farm management through precision livestock farming in the PLFDoc program, funded by FWF. This collaborative effort between the Vetmeduni Vienna and TU Vienna, brings together experts from veterinary medicine, agricultural sciences, data science, and engineering. PLFDoc uses this synergy to develop new CV- and XAI-based tools to achieve advancements in areas like parturition prediction, animal tracking, and individual behaviour classification for pigs and cattle.

Grant DOI: