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Carina Kirschner BSc.

Susanne Schaller MMSc.

Dr. Julia Vetter MSc.


2023 – present

Research Areas



University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus, RG Bioinformatics

University of Salzburg, Department of Biosciences and Medical Biology, AG Horejs-Hoeck

The AML analyzer is a gene expression analysis tool, especially for analyzing genes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. AML, also known as blood cancer, is a disease of the hematopoietic system characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of white blood cells. The main treatments of AML are chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell transplantation, in combination with drugs such as cytarabine, azacitidine, or venetoclax. The five-year survival rate is roughly 40 % but decreases rapidly with age. To understand the cell functions, gene expression data analysis provides useful information for investigating potential therapeutic targets and the signaling pathways involved. In Addition, epigenetic regulators, such as HDACs play an important role in AML. The aim of the web application is summarize multiple sources and provide an interactive tool for comparing gene expressions in patients affected by AML with healthy individuals, or FAB subtypes and other relevant mutations in AML. AML analyzer is written in R, integrates Python scripts, and for the web application the R package Shiny is used. The gene expression datasets used are acquired from the NCBI GEO database.