MS Ana
Sebastian Dorl MSc.
Prof.(FH) DI(FH) Dr. Viktoria Dorfer MSc.
Prof.(FH) PD DI Dr. Stephan Winkler
Research Areas
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus, RG Bioinformatics
Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna, Austria
MS Ana is a scoring algorithm for the identification of peptides in tandem mass spectrometry data using a library of previously identified spectra. Furthermore, MS Ana can create decoy spectral libraries for validation using different decoy generation methods. MS Ana is specially designed to work with high accuracy tandem mass spectra and modern spectral libraries build from high accuracy tandem mass spectra. By using a suitable library you can achieve higher sensitivity and increased processing speed compared to traditional database search.
To cite and MS Ana and for more detailed information on the algorithm and software please refer to Dorl et al. Journal of Proteome Research 22.2 (2023): 462-470.
You can download the latest version of MS Ana from IMP Proteomics Facility website either as standalone software or as plugin node for Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer.