
System requirements

  • IMPI is available for Windows and Linux operating systems (64-bit)

  • Installed memory (RAM): minimum 16 GB

  • Java

  • Perl (for Bowtie2)


Please download the newest version here: IMPI Windows or IMPI Linux or IMPI Command Line Tool

Raw data for testing IMPI can be downloaded here: test data set


  • Carefully read the License agreement and proceed only if you agree to the terms and conditions.

  • Download required third party software tools.

  • Right click on the downloaded .zip file and extract the content in a separate folder.

  • On Windows OS: Navigate to the extracted folder and double-click on IMPI.exe.

  • On Linux OS: Navigate to the extracted folder and start ./IMPI which is in ./dist folder using your terminal.

Third party software

IMPI uses third party software that is developed independently and need to be downloaded and installed for certain features to work.


Bowtie2 is a tool for aligning sequencing reads to short and long reference genes. We use Bowtie2 for undetermined read analysis. Learn more about Bowtie2.

Download Bowtie2 in version 2.3.4 here.


IMPI has been implemented and tested using Bowtie2 version 2.3.4. Please make sure you download Bowtie2 version 2.3.4, otherwise IMPI’s Bowtie2 analysis feature might not work properly.


NGmerge is a tool for merging paired-end reads. Learn more about NGmerge.

Download NGmerge in version 0.3 here.


IMPI has been implemented and tested using NGmerge version 0.3. Please make sure you download NGmerge version 0.3, otherwise IMPI’s NGmerge merging feature might not work properly.


If you need help for installing NGmerge please visit our Tutorial


The third party tools need the Java Runtime Environment to be installed on your machine.

Please download the Java Runtime Environment 64bit here.


The third party tools need Pearl to be installed on your machine.

Please download Perl here.